I’m excited to share this WordCamp Raleigh 2017 presentation on Social Meta Optimization.
This presentation is for social media managers and digital marketers seeking to learn how to optimize WordPress posts and pages for social media sharing, by setting the best photo or video, title, description, and link for each post or page. In my presentation, I use All in One SEO Pack for WordPress SEO to manage social meta titles, descriptions, images, and links when posts and pages will be shared website visitors.
When your website content is not optimized for social media, when someone shares your content, the best possible information reflecting the post’s content may not appear in social media channels. Utilizing All in One SEO Pack’s Social Meta management module ensures the content being shared in social channels best represents your message or brand communication.
If you’re not sure how to activate social meta optimization on your WordPress website, you can book me for an online coaching session to help you set up All in One SEO Pack for WordPress SEO and configure your social meta options per page, post, or other post types-like products, events, jobs, or other custom content types.